Friday, January 21, 2011

MEN - the sex that leaves me baffled !

Note: This is a sexist post and my heartiest apologies to those who do not see eye-to-eye on the subject. Well blogging is freedom of speech, no? Hence I shall use that freedom to the fullest !

I wish I could get to know men better. Understand their point of view, rip them down to plain flesh and see through them, to find out how they can make statements of undying love to one and then utter the very same, with the same conviction and the
same gazing intent to another?

How can they keep their hearts rekindled with the same passion and desire-like fire as though she's the only they intend to love, touch and hold for the rest of their lives - being fully aware of the fact that it is only a matter of time before the testosterone rush guides them to another who befits the mould of what they believe to be just perfect ! And then forget her too, for another who pleases the eye, tempts the heart, embarks upon and glorifies the horizons of their fantasy...


  1. I totally agree with you :) great post.

  2. :)You do not have to apologize about not seeing eye to eye, that is what blogs are for!

    Are you saying that women dont cheat? That they dont profess undying love and passion to two men at the same time, within hours of each other? That they are not sleeping with 2 men at the same time? Umm... welcome to the real world... which is full of such women. And I know more women like that than I would like to know. But I am very careful not to generalize.

    Unfortunately I have met at least one woman personally in my life who has done this to me, and have heard at least about 3 situations from close friends who have been the brunt of such a nasty experience with women. Hence I do not think its a male related phenomenon. But I am very careful not to generalize. I have sypathized with friends, of both sexes, when they have been at the wrong end of a cheating story, and have felt their pain when they have said "Men are such ba******, or women are such bi*****" while thinking in my mind that this has nothing to do with men or women, it has more to do with the kind of person we are.

    Incidentally I also have an acquaintance who happens to be female who is very proud of her "toy boys" that she fools around with. Maybe I should introduce you to her :).

  3. :)
    This is exactly why the apology was. It's plainly my GENERALIZED point of view u see... based upon my very own personal relationship experiences. Added to it is the fact that it is a sexist post ;) I'm pissed off & I have to let out the pent up emotions :D

  4. :)
    Agreed. That is allowed. Everyone needs to vent. You should see me when I am in a venting mood!

  5. so the women dont do the same? yes, they dont do it like few man, 2 girls at a time. but most of the women do what men do, they change emotions when they are with a new person. how many exapmles of a girl falling in love, seeing future, everything with a guy. a terrible break up. and rescue in another relationship, stronger this time. referring to the above article, they dont cheat actually, they are as confused as women. and those who cheat, well then yeah, there are people who cheat but all are not like that

  6. its not just about testosterone. how about intellectual simulation? may be the next one has a bit more to offer there as well? not that it allows cheating. if there is a serious committment, then it stops the need for anything else. one of my ex once said to me COMMITTMENT IS NOT WHEN YOU LOOK AT SOMEONE AND SAY NO MY GIRL IS BETTER. COMMITTMENT IS WHEN YOU DONT FEEL THE NEED TO LOOK AT ANYONE ELSE.
    PS: i broke up with her.

  7. LOL... I like what she said, and i pretty much agree with her. And as far as intellectual simulation is concerned, I'm not sure if I've even met enough men who understand the meaning of that term :D
